Say goodbye to hereditary diseases

Many hereditary diseases are the result of a clash between two incompatible genes. It’s not easy for couples to discover that their DNA is not compatible and that their children will always be born with serious hereditary diseases. In the same way that a laboratory analyzes samples from a home paternity test, researchers have developed a method called Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD). PGD enables scientists to analyse parts of the DNA, preventing babies from being born with genetic problems that lead to disease. For example, while sibling DNA testing compares the genetic strand of two possible siblings, PGD compares the genetic strand of both parents and looks for incompatibilities. It then combines the healthy sperm and egg for implantation in the woman’s uterus. The result? A baby is born free of inherited diseases.

PGD can save lives

Certain diseases require a bone marrow transplant. The problem is that the donor is usually a family member, such as a sibling. Imagine you have a child who requires a bone marrow transplant, and the only way to get it is through a sibling. The problem is that you have an only child. Having another baby is the solution, but that doesn’t guarantee that the baby will be born with the right genes to become a donor. What do you do? In these cases, PGD can help you have a baby who can be the perfect donor for their sibling. Because it is a special fluid within the marrow, the baby is not required to become an adult to be a donor. While this may sound crazy to some people, many couples have saved one child and won another in the process. These families often create stronger bonds.

A disease-free world population

Due to pollution in many countries, their populations have developed genetic mutations that create new diseases. Once PGD begins to be implemented on a larger scale, humanity will be able to get rid of diseases once and for all. Every generation born will be free of genes known to cause health problems. Science could even develop “superhumans,” since, with DNA manipulation, babies could be born with a higher degree of intelligence, greater strength, better logic or any other characteristic humanity needs to propel itself into a bright future. That possibility is not yet dazzling in practice, but theory shows that it is possible. Once PGD becomes more affordable and available in all countries of the world, people will have the option of having children with excellent physical and mental capabilities.